Last night Tishaura Jones won a four-way Democratic primary for City Treasurer. From her campaign website comes this statement about parking policy. Currently, the Parking Division is under the control of the City Treasurer, with revenue collected from parking not placed directly in the city’s coffers.

Here is Jones’ statement:
No major city in the US has a “Parking Czar” that controls the building of city garages and where parking meters are placed. The primary function of the Treasurer’s office should be to collect, manage, and invest the city’s funds…period. If elected, I will work with other city elected officials and the Missouri Legislature to transfer this function to the appropriate department and concentrate on increasing the return on investment of the $1.5 billion currently under management.
One reply on “Jones on Parking and the Treasurer’s Office”
The treasurer’s office also offered to pay of the Cupples 7 mortgage if the preservation board allowed its demolition.