National Register of Historic Places Nominations

We got THIS listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
We got THIS listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

The Preservation Research Office will make the historic registration or tax credit certification process easy for you.  We have completed many successful registration projects, and have a thorough understanding of the intricacies of the process.

But also this. The National Register is not a beauty pageant — it is a list of what matters to communities across the nation.

Preservation Research Office has wide experience in National Register designations, having completed 22 successful nominations in two states in its six-year existence (see examples of districts and single sites). Our principal has been author or co-author of over 50 National Register nominations in a decade-plus career. Our work has successfully secured designation for resources ranging from rural one-room schools to vacant urban factories. Here is how we can help you:


National Register of Historic Places Eligibility Assessment

To determine whether a nomination would even be successful, we can assess the significance of a property under the criteria of the National Register. We can offer private counsel, or full-service assessment that we would submit to reviewers at your State Historic Preservation Office.


National Register of Historic Places Nomination (Single Sites, Districts, and District Expansion)

With a successful assessment, we will spring into action to secure a National Register nomination. Since each state has different review schedules, wit few accepting nominations on a rolling basis, we will develop a feasible timeline for each project. We will develop a work plan that expedites the process, and allows clients seeking federal historic tax credits to apply while the nomination is still pending. PRO will present your nomination at all levels of government, and provide nimble interaction with reviewers so that good communication propels the nomination forward.

We are very experienced with urban historic district designation, especially in areas suffering resource depletion. Perhaps you think an area is not eligible, but we might see things differently — and make the case all the way to the federal level.

PRO is happy to offer editorial or limited services to clients who cannot afford a full National Register fee, or who wish to undertake some of the work on their own.


Local Landmark Nomination (Single Site and Historic District)

In addition to a National Register nomination, PRO can simultaneously or alternately draft a local landmark application that provides local recognition and protection. In many cities, National Register status alone is not a protection against demolition.


To obtain rates for our services, please contact us at or 314-920-5680.