Historic Preservation

Landmarks Association’s 2007 Eleven Most Endangered Buildings List

The Landmarks Association of St. Louis has announced its 2007 Eleven Most Endangered Buildings List. Selected by a committee, the list highlights buildings in the city of St. Louis in desperate need of intervention. While not conclusive, the list is a bellwether of current preservation battles — and can be sadly accurate at predicting those buildings that are lost.

This year’s list retains several buildings from last year’s list:

Mullanphy Emigrant Home (1609 N.14th Street)
– Mullanphy Tenement (2118 Mullanphy Street)
– Givens Row (2903-7 Delmar Boulevard)
Bethlehem Lutheran Church (2153 Salisbury)
James Clemens House (1849 Cass Avenue)
Carr School (1421 Carr Street)
Wellston Station (6111 Martin Luther King Drive)

Additions to this year’s list are:

Bohemian Hill Houses (Between Tucker and 13th Street south of Lafayette Avenue)
– Einstmann House (2347 Virginia Avenue)
– Crittenden Livery Stable (3401 Locust Street)