Missouri Legislature Northside Regeneration

Have You Thanked Governor Blunt Yet?

by Michael R. Allen

On Friday, Governor Matt Blunt vetoed the economic development omnibus (HB 327) that contained the tax credits designed for Paul McKee’s north St. Louis project. I’m sure that you sent your letter of thanks, because you know that the best way to get good behavior from an elected official is to provide positive reinforcement. After all, we all know the tax credit proposal will be back again, and likely on Governor Blunt’s desk once more before the next election.

Wait, you haven’t thanked the Governor? Well, go ahead and do so.

Letters can be sent here:

Governor Matt Blunt
Room 216, State Capitol Building
Jefferson City MO 65101

Phone calls can be directed to:

(573) 751-3222

There there is e-mail:

Contact form here.