
St. Louis Makes National Trust Dozen Distinctive Destinations List; Needs Votes for Fan Favorite

Last week, the National Trust for Historic Preservation named St. Louis as one of its Dozen Distinctive Destinations. The annual list of historic cities recognizes historic preservation efforts and helps boost tourism.

From the announcement:

Since 2000, the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Dozen Distinctive Destination program has recognized cities and towns that offer an authentic visitor experience by combining dynamic downtowns, cultural diversity, attractive architecture, cultural landscapes and a strong commitment to historic preservation, sustainability and revitalization. In each community, residents have joined together and taken action to protect their town’s character.

This year, St. Louis joins unique cities ranging from Bastrop, Texas to Sitka, Alaska. For the first time, the Trust has created the honor of a “Fan Favorite” determined through online voting. To read the full list and vote, see the Dozen Distinctive Destinations site.

St. Louis needs more votes to win!