
Preservation Month Calendar Posted

I have posted a calendar of Preservation Month events in May 2010, which the National Trust for Historic Preservation recognizes as the national month for historic preservation. Check out the wide range of events, which range from walking tours of mid-century modern buildings to a used book sale benefiting the Chatillon-DeMenil House to a historic St. Louis County farm tour to a liability-waiver tour of the James Clemens House. There are also tours of Harris Armstrong houses, an exhibit on lost riverfront architecture, a rock ‘n’ roll show later in the month and a Pecha Kucha night (head-scratchers, check the calendar).

I’m sure that I have left a few events out, so please point those out to me via email or in the comments section here.

Also, when earlier today I went to reserve my spot in Landmarks Association of St. Louis’ tour of the Beaux Arts Building on Tuesday, May 11, I received a response stating that the tour already was full and that I would be put on a wait list. The tour announcement set no attendance limit, while other Landmarks tours has specific limits. I’d recommend making reservations as soon as possible for these popular tours!

2 replies on “Preservation Month Calendar Posted”

I'm sure the Clemens is as well… In order to get the member price, what organization do you have to be a member of? The Landmarks Assoc.? Preservation?

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