
Sunset Hills Historical Society Program on the Lemp Estate

Sunset Hills Historical Society Program on the Lemp Estate Hosts Guest Speaker Davidson Mullgardt
Monday, March 28 at 7 PM at the Sunset Hills Community Center

The Sunset Hills Historical Society will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, March 28 at 7 PM at the Sunset Hills Community Center. The featured speaker will be Davidson Mullgardt, who will be speaking about the Lemp Estate, located in Sunset Hills. The home was formerly owned by the Lemp family who brewed Falstaff beer.

“Because many of the records were destroyed, there are recent discoveries about the Lemp saga,” said Davidson Mullgardt, historian and former high school English teacher.

He will be demonstrating some of those discoveries, discussing the Lemp family, their beer-brewing business as well as the architecture of the home that is in Sunset Hills.

The Lemp Estate is currently a private residence and inaccessible to the public.

The City Hall of Sunset Hills is located at 3939 South Lindbergh Blvd. and the Community Center is just behind it in the same complex.


5 replies on “Sunset Hills Historical Society Program on the Lemp Estate”

Since it’s Sunset Hills I am assuming he will be discussing Alswel and not close-by Cragwold. The latter was inherited by my uncle as Edwin Lemp’s most trusted and loyal employee. It was sold before I can remember but I heard much about the house and family. And, while many of Edwin’s possessions were burned on his order upon his death in 1970, I do have some wonderful Lemp artifacts.

Dustin, I will be talking about Alswel, however my true research is about Edwin. I would love to hear some of the stories you know. Are you going to come to the talk in Sunset Hills?

I think I will attend. I am fascinated by Lemp history, and of course, in particular with Edwin. As you may have surmised my Great Uncle was John Bopp. Both he and my Great Aunt Florence worked for him for years. I was eight when my Uncle John died and his wife died soon after. They retained some of the land before selling the house and built a ranch house which is the only home I remember them having. My dad’s brother knows a great deal and met Edwin many times and played at the house as a child. I have some personal items of Edwins that I treasure. Not just for their association with him but their fine quality and style. I understand he was quite dapper.

I’ll be interested to meet with you and talk some more.

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