
Sustainability and the Built Environment of the St. Louis Region — Gallery Talk

Friday, December 9, 5:30 – 7:30 PM

This imagined reuse for World War II ammunition sheds is included in the exhibit.

You are invited to attend an exclusive viewing of the exhibit <em>Sustainability and the Built Environment of the St. Louis Region</em> at the St Louis Artists Guild. Join exhibit organizers Dana Gray and Richard Reilly for lively conversation and artistic critique of artwork examining where we stand, as a culture of consumption, and where we may be headed in the future.

Also on view are photographic images by artist, Chris Jordan, from his series Running the Numbers. You will have an opportunity to learn about artists and designers juried in the exhibit, and perhaps see even yourself as an artist and agent of social change!

The St. Louis Artists’ Guild, is located on Big Bend, just north of Clayton Road, in Oak Knoll Park, St. Louis, MO 63105.

Click here to read a review of the show.

The Sustainability exhibit will be on view through January 6, 2012. St. Louis Artists’ Guild Gallery Hours: Open Tues. – Sun. Noon to 4 pm Closed Mondays & Holidays. Admission is Free! Holiday Hours: The Artists’ Guild will be closed December 24 to January 2. Regular Gallery Hours resume on Tuesday, January 3.