
Tonight: “Battle for Brooklyn” Screening Ends Open/Closed

Location: The Luminary – 4900 Reber Place
Time: 7:30 p.m.

The film Battle for Brooklyn follows the story of reluctant activist Daniel Goldstein as he struggles to save his home and community from being demolished to make way for a professional basketball arena and the densest real estate development in U.S. history. Along the way, he falls in love, gets married and starts a family while living in a vacated building located at the heart of the project site. Over the course of seven years, Daniel spearheads the movement against the development plan as he and the community fight tenaciously in the courts, the streets, and the media to stop the abuse of eminent domain and reveal the corruption at the heart of the plan.


Homer Tourkakis: Owner of “Eminent Dental,” Arnold, MO. The Missouri Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that non-charter cities can exercise the power of eminent domain. Tourkakis was forced to sell his business to THF Realty. He used the proceeds to open his new practice.

Desy Schoenewies: Long-time resident of the Carrollton neighborhood of Bridgeton, MO and author of the “56 Houses Left” blog, which documented the neighborhood’s demolition for a new runway at Lambert International Airport.

Michael R. Allen: Director of the Preservation Research Office.

(RSVP on Facebook) While not necessary, RSVPs are welcome. Please pass along the invitation. All films and events are free and open to all.

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