by Michael R. Allen
Bob Duffy has an insightful commentary in the St. Louis Beacon entitled “The competition to improve Arch grounds promises to be bold, creative”. I recommend a full read. However, Duffy’s recap of yesterday’s briefing for potential competitors in the design competition includes some hopeful signs that the competition process will be fruitful for visionary thinking.
For one thing, the competitors will be forbidden contact with the sponsors and jurors. Writes Duffy:
Competitors are forbidden contact with competition sponsors and jurors, and if this rule is broken, the offending team will be disqualified. There is to be no corporate or personal lobbying. Strict communications protocols have been established, and all information must be requested through competition management.
Competition manager Don Stastny also reiterates that the process and short timeline is meant to guarantee, not stifle, visionary solution-making. From Bob Duffy:
The guidelines and timelines for the competition are meant not to put obstacles in the paths of designers, architects and artists who may compete, but to create an environment in which the teams might do their best work.
Sounds good to me.