by Michael R. Allen

1. We don’t like to see anyone paint brick (paint traps moisture and leads to deterioration of the bricks and mortar).
2. We don’t like to see anyone demolishing historic houses on Bohemian Hill (which happened as recently as December).
3. We are pleasantly surprised that a Bohemian Hill house is being rehabilitated on the same street face that just lost a building.
4. Yet we are pretty sure that Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority, a city agency, is on auto-pilot with its attempt to destroy the remaining historic buildings of Bohemian Hill.
5. We strongly doubt that clearance of Bohemian Hill will result in the creation of anything but low-wage jobs, or in sales tax revenues that are meaningful once the cost of tax increment financing and other incentives are deducted.
6. We know that the creation of rehabilitated and infill housing units on Bohemian Hill helps the city gain residents, increase property tax revenues and visually improve an area that connects downtown to the south side.
7. Therefore, we forgive the brick painting at 1717 S. Tucker.