South St. Louis St. Cecilia Historic District

St. Cecilia Historic District Launches Website

by Michael R. Allen

The St. Cecilia Historic District — bounded by Grand, Delor, Virginia and Bates avenues — has its own website showcasing its unique architecture and history. Neighborhood resident and historian NiNi Harris provided narrative history and selected contemporary and historic views of the neighborhood. The district is anchored by the twin-steepled, Romanesque St. Cecilia Roman Catholic Church, designed by Henry Hess and completed in 1925. However, the surrounding residential and neighborhood commercial buildings include some of south city’s finest early 20th century brick vernacular architecture.

Check out the website here. Does your historic district have a website?

2 replies on “St. Cecilia Historic District Launches Website”

I’ve been developing websites for non-profits over the years and would be interested in working with any neighborhoods that would like to create or update their web presence.

I can also shoot the photographs and write the text for such sites, creating the content as well as presenting it to its best advantage online.

Andrew Raimist

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